photo of hawsphoto landing page

This website was built for a client looking to promote his photography business and provide potential customers a place to view and purchase his work. This site includes information about Andrew Haws, the photographer as well as an image gallery containing all of his available work as well as pricing and shipping information for each photo. Any customer may contact Adnrew directly through the contact form on the website in order to request more information or purchase a photo.


For this project, I decided to just code up a static site based on designs provided by a web designer who had previously worked with both myself and the client. The original designs featured separate home, about and contact pages but we decided to create a single page for all three content sections as there wasn’t much content for each section. To build the shop page, I created a Javascript object containing all of the information related to each image (name, file location, etc) and used that object to dynamically build the HTML structure. There is a separate contact page for sending Andrew a purchase request which also accesses this object to pull all image names into a dropdown. This was done to reduce the amount of hard coded information throughout the site, with the intention of making the process of adding and updating images more efficient. A challenge that I encountered was reducing load time for images on the shop page. Since the images were the most important component of the site, it was important to show them in the best resolution possible. To improve load time, I resized the images to as small a size as I could manage without reduction resolution. I also preloaded the first three images on the shop page as well as the home page cover photo in order to reduce overall load time.

Technologies Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

*This website is no longer active however the website demo showing the original site content is viewable in the link above.